teaching resource

Reboot Remote

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|2 pages|成绩:1 - 6

Help students work through tough situations with this remote control template.

当学生成为情感上不知所措,他们may begin to express their emotions in aggressive or unfavorable ways. Teaching de-escalation strategies and techniques helps students regulate theiremotionsand control their actions.

How to Use the Reboot Remote in the Classroom

Use this resource to help teach de-escalation strategies to your students. The ‘Reboot Remote’ will walk students through strategies using icons and questions and assist them in recognizing their emotions. This resource works great in both thespecial educationand general classroom.

Print the two pages front-to-back, and choose for it to flip along the short edge. It also works best if you choose for it to print ‘actual size’ instead of ‘fit to page’. This will ensure the template prints correctly.

Use the drop-down menu located on the Download menu to choose between the color or black and white version.


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