Privacy Policy

Part One


万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者Pty Ltd ABN 69 634 768 817(万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者)重视本网站用户和所有相关子域的个人信息的隐私(用户)located地点)以及相关的iOS和Android应用程序以及其他应用程序,并致力于根据1988年《隐私法》(CTH)以负责任的方式处理用户的个人信息(Act)and the Australian Privacy Principles(APP)如该法案所述。

万博manbext手机官网下载Teach Setter还竭尽全力遵守美国的法律法规,包括但不限于加利福尼亚州法律,包括加利福尼亚州的《加利福尼亚州消费者隐私法》(“ CCPA”)。民间。代码1798.100:美国儿童在线隐私保护法(“ COPPA”);Privo的儿童隐私权保证了COPPA安全港认证计划(“计划”)要求;加州巴士。&教授代码§§22580-22582;内华达州NRS§603A.300;Vermont 9V.S.A§2446-2447(个人信息保护:数据经纪人;特拉华 - 德尔。代码§1204C;俄勒冈州 - ORS§646.607;

For ease of reference a separate Privacy Policy complying with relevant United States Federal and State laws and regulations are set forth below in Part Two of this Policy and a Children’s Privacy Policy is set forth in Part Three.

1.1 This Privacy Policy:

  1. sets out how Teach Starter collects, holds, uses and discloses the Personal Information of Users, and
  2. should be read in conjunction with and forms part of Teach Starter’s条款和条件when using the Site and interacting with Teach Starter.


  1. 该法案定义了“个人信息”一词和本隐私政策中使用的其他术语。
  2. Personal Information表示有关已确定的个人或合理识别的个人的信息或意见:
    1. whether the information or opinion is true or not; and
    2. whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.
  3. 如果信息未披露用户的身份或能够确定用户的身份,则在大多数情况下,它不会被归类为个人信息,也不会受到本隐私政策的约束。

1.3 Meaning of Personal Information

  1. The kind of Personal Information that Teach Starter collects from the User will depend on how the User uses the Site.
  2. Personal Information Teach Starter collects may include a person’s first and last names, their email address, other contact details, IP address, location data and a User’s school, details of products and services supplied to Users or which Users have enquired about, details needed to deliver those products and services, details about a User’s account, information about use of Teach Starter’s services, information about Users that they provide Teach Starter directly or indirectly when online, together with any other Personal Information supplied by the User (subject to clause 1.3(d) & (e) below.
  3. If a User connects Teach Starter to a third party social media service, Teach Starter may collect additional Personal Information that includes social media profile handles, user ID and/or user names associated with that service and any information or content the User has permitted the social media service to share with Teach Starter, which may include the User’s profile picture, email address, friends or follower lists, and information the User has disclosed in connection with that social media services.
  4. 万博manbext手机官网下载教学入门者不会收集有关该法案定义的用户的敏感信息。
  5. 万博manbext手机官网下载教学入门者不会故意收集或使用法律需要父母同意的未成年人的个人信息,如果它在不知不觉中教导的启动者会尽力而为,将利用其最佳努力来获得父母的同意。父母可以查看收集的个人信息,拒绝收集进一步的个人信息,并要求从Teach Starter的记录中删除收集的任何个人信息。万博manbext手机官网下载

1.4 How we collect and hold Personal Information

  1. 万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者may collect Personal Information from Users whenever they input such information into the Site or through interaction with social media services where they have authorised that information to be shared.
  2. 万博manbext手机官网下载Teach入门者还通过浏览器Cookie收集信息,对于Teach Starter的运营和活动(包括营销和销售)的性能是合理的。
  3. 万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者automatically receives and records information on its server logs from the User’s browser, including their IP address, operating system, top level domain, date and time, pages accessed, documents downloaded, previous website visited, type of browser used and other cookie information.
  4. This enables Teach Starter to tell when Users use the Site and also to help customise the User’s experience within the Site.
  5. Users are always advised to pay attention to their browser’s security and privacy settings to protect their privacy generally.
  6. 万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者will only solicit and collect Personal Information which has been obtained fairly and lawfully, directly from a User (unless unreasonable or impractical to do so) and is reasonably necessary for Teach Starter’s operations.
  7. If Teach Starter receives unsolicited Personal Information about Users, Teach Starter will determine within a reasonable period if it would have been permitted to request such Personal Information under APP3. If so, Teach Starter may use and treat that information as if it had collected it as solicited Personal Information.
  8. 如果T万博manbext手机官网下载each入门者会收到有关用户的未经请求的个人信息,并确定启动器无法在App3下收集个人信息,则它将在可行的情况下尽快销毁或取消识别个人信息。
  9. 下面的第2条描述了Teach Starter如何拥有个人信万博manbext手机官网下载息。


  1. 万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者collects, holds, uses and discloses Personal Information to deliver and improve the goods or services Teach Starter provides to Users.
  2. Generally, Users are only obliged to provide Teach Starter with information necessary for Teach Starter to provide services to them.
  3. If Users do not provide Teach Starter with certain types of Personal Information Teach Starter may be unable to provide them with the services or goods they have requested.
  4. 万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者customarily discloses Personal Information only to its employees, contractors and service providers who assist it in operating Teach Starter and the Site. Personal Information may also be exposed from time to time to maintenance and support personnel acting in the normal course of their duties.
  5. 万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者may use Personal Information to promote goods and services to Users and by using the Site, Users consent to the receipt of direct marketing material.
  6. 万博manbext手机官网下载如果教学入门者直接从用户收集了此类信息,并且用户可以合理地期望从Teach Starter收到这些信息,则仅将用户的个人信息用于此目的。
  7. 万博manbext手机官网下载教学入门者不会在直接营销活动中使用敏感的个人信息,也不会将市场引向未成年人。
  8. 万博manbext手机官网下载Teach Starter的直接营销材料将包括一个简单的退订功能,用户可以通过该功能不接受该性质的进一步沟通。
  9. 在实用和合理的情况下,教学入门者为用户提供了与信息用户提供的信息教学起动器相关的假万博manbext手机官网下载名。
  10. Where appropriate Teach Starter will provide Users with the option in to interact anonymously.

1.6 Accessing User’s Personal Information

  1. If a User would like to access or correct Personal Information that Teach Starter holds about them, please contact:The Privacy Officer斯科特舌万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者Pty Ltd ABN 69 634 768 817
    Level 2, 55 Railway Terrace
    澳大利亚人:1800 790 441 email:[电子邮件保护]
  2. The User will need to identify themselves to the reasonable satisfaction of Teach Starter before Teach Starter will provide the User with their Personal Information which Teach Starter may or may not have in its possession.
  3. If a User requests a correction of Personal Information, Teach Starter will endeavour to acknowledge receipt within seven days and provide a written response within 30 days.

1.7 Complaints

  1. 万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者has put in place an effective process to resolve privacy complaints and enquiries. All complaints and enquiries will be dealt with in a reasonably appropriate timeframe in a way which does not compromise the integrity of any decision about a complaint.
  2. 万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者operates a service orientated business via the Site. If a User has a complaint about Teach Starter’s collection or use of Personal Information pertaining to that User, then the User is requested to contact Teach Starter’s隐私官首先。隐私官可以从用户那里寻求进一步的信息来澄清他们的担忧,如果投诉有充分的建立,将与用户协商,请采取适当的步骤来纠正问题。
  3. If the User is dissatisfied with the outcome, they may refer the matter to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner in writing:
    • 通过电子邮件到[电子邮件保护];
    • 邮寄到GPO Box 5218,新南威尔士州悉尼2001;或者
    • by facsimile to (02) 9284 9666.
  4. 如果用户有问题关于如何complaint, they should telephone the enquiries line of the OAIC on 1300 363 992.
  5. 有关提出投诉的更多信息,用户应该转到


  1. 教学入门者收集的用户个人信息可以由澳大利亚以外的员工,承包商或服务提供商访问,包括万博manbext手机官网下载新加坡,美利坚合众国和英国。
  2. 如果T万博manbext手机官网下载each Starter向海外接收者披露了个人信息,则只会出于收集的主要目的而披露个人信息,但根据该法案的任何例外。
  3. 提供或授权提供个人信息的用户会向入门者明确同意向此类海外接收者披露个人信息,并了解这样做的潜在后果。万博manbext手机官网下载
  4. 万博manbext手机官网下载Teach Starter将使用合理的努力来确保海外地点具有数据保护法,该法律以与应用程序基本相似的方式保护个人信息。万博manbext手机官网下载Teach Anter还要求海外接收者遵守该应用程序,并将对违反该应用程序的海外接收者的任何行为负责。
  5. 万博manbext手机官网下载Teach Anter将获得其员工,承包商,服务提供商和澳大利亚境外其他接收者的签名和可执行的承诺,以遵守本隐私政策和应用程序的条款,并且仅使用公认的服务提供商,这些服务提供商将使用企业级软件与Up -To -To -To -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -to -日期SSL或类似的加密协议。

2. Integrity of Personal Information

  1. 万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者takes reasonable steps to protect the Personal Information Teach Starter holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure including when Teach Starter sends Personal Information offshore. Further, Teach Starter takes reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify Personal Information if it is no longer needed for the purpose it was collected.
  2. 万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者takes reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Information Teach Starter collects, uses or discloses is accurate, complete, relevant and up-to-date.
  3. 万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者has developed up‑to‑date procedures and policies for information security and digital security is incorporated as an integral component of Teach Starter’s risk management programs.
  4. 万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者will comply with the requirements of the Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme under the Act, including:
    1. 确定相关的数据泄露以及数据泄露是否可能会对个人信息属于数据泄露的用户造成严重伤害,
    2. 通知可能受到影响和相关权威的用户,
    3. instituting remedial action, make recommendations about steps that Users should take and any remedial action which Teach Starter has taken or may in future take in relation to the data breach.
  5. 在某些情况下,欧盟(EU)基因ral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides additional protection to individuals located in Europe. The fact that Users may be in Europe does not on its own entitle them to protection under the GDPR. The Site does not specifically target Users located in the EU and Teach Starter does not monitor the behaviour of individuals in the EU and therefore the GDPR does not apply.

3. Changes to Privacy Policy

  1. This Privacy Policy is up to date as at 17 April 2020.
  2. There may be changes to the Privacy Policy from time to time and Users should check regularly for those changes.

Part Two


  1. 如果您居住在美国,则第二部分将描述我们在与隐私有关的各个州和联邦法律下的义务和您的权利,并将其共同称为“隐私法”)。
  2. 在我们的条款和条件以及上面的第1至3段中规定的所有术语,条件和定义,因为它们适用于澳大利亚,均通过引用与特定效果相同的效力和效果集成。在某种程度上,任何上述内容与隐私法不一致,第二部分中的条款和条件应优先考虑。

Pursuant this Privacy Policy you have the following rights:

1.1 Rights to Access and Delete Your Personal Information

You have the right (i) to have access to categories Personal Information and specific pieces of Personal Information about you that we collect, use, and disclose, and (ii) to request that we delete Personal Information that we collect from you, subject to any applicable legal exceptions in force at the time of such request. As used herein, “Personal Information” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1.2 with examples provided in Section 1.3(b)


万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者Pty Ltd
ABN 69 634 768 817
Level 2, 55 Railway Terrace
电话:1800 790 441

For security purposes we may require a verification of your identity and shall send you a link with verification requests, such as your email address. Please note that you will not receive any discriminatory treatment for the exercise of your rights you exercise within this Policy.

1.2 Right to Opt Out of Sale of Personal Information to Third Parties

我们不出售你的个人信息,它是our present plan not to sell your Personal Information.Should this change, you will be notified and you will have the right to opt out (simply tell us you no longer wish us to sell your Personal Information) “Third Parties” means and includes types of entities that do not collect personal information directly from consumers, including but not limited to advertising agencies.”


Under our Privacy Policy you shall have the right to request us to provide you with information with respect to our disclosure of your Personal Information by our company to third parties to use for direct marketing purposes.请注意,但是,除非您允许我们这样做,否则我们不会与从事直接营销的第三方共享个人信息。To make such a request please contact our Security Officer utilizing the Contact Information above.

1.4 Removal of Content



In the future, we may disclose the following categories of personal information for a business purpose: Identifiers/Contact Information, demographic information (like gender and age), payment card information associated with you, commercial information, Internet or other electronic network activity information, geolocation data, audio, electronic, visual or similar information, and inferences drawn from the above. We may disclose such categories to advertising networks, data analytics providers, and social networks. The business or commercial purposes of disclosing Personal Information is for third party companies to perform services on our behalf, like marketing, advertising, and audience measurement.

We do not disclose Personal Information of known minors under 16 years of age.



This Children’s Online Privacy Policy sets forth information which is relevant to Personal Information provided by children under the age of 12 (“child” or “children”). All of our Terms & Conditions, the terms of our Privacy Policy and the Terms of our Privacy Policy Applicable to the United States are integrated and incorporated herein by reference.

This policy is in accordance with the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”), and outlines our practices in the United States. For more information about COPPA and general tips about protecting children’s online privacy, please visit the Federal Trade Commission’s linkOnGuard Online,“在线保护孩子的隐私”


1.1 Registration

Children can, in many cases, register on our website. In this process it is possible that we may ask the child to provide certain information for notification and security purposes, including a parent or guardian’s email address, the child’s first name and gender, the child’s username, and password, birth dates from children to validate their ages. Children can choose whether to share their information with us, but certain features cannot function without it. As a result, children may not be able to access certain features if required information has not been provided. We strongly recommend that registration by a child be closely supervised by a parent or a guardian

When we determine that the user is age 13 or under, we will request that the child or a parent or guardian supervising the child provide the parent’s or guardian’s email address before we collect any personal information from the child. If you believe your child is participating in an activity that collects personal information and you or another parent/guardian have NOT received an email providing notice or seeking your consent, please feel free to contact us via our Security Officer, contact information above.


Whenever an activity potentially allows a child to insert personal information in their created content, we will use our best efforts to either pre-screen the submission to delete any personal information, or we will seek verifiable parental consent by email for the collection.

About Verifiable Parental Consent:

电子邮件同意。In the event Teach Starter wishes to collect personal information from a child, COPPA requires that we first seek a parent or guardian’s consent by email. In the email we will explain what information we are collecting, how we plan to use it, how the parent can provide consent, and how the parent can revoke consent. If we do not receive parental consent within a reasonable time, we will delete the parent contact information and any other information collected from the child in connection with that activity.

Teacher consent in lieu of a parent.关于基于学校的活动,COPPA允许教师和学校管理人员代替父母采取行动,以同意儿童收集个人信息的同意。学校应始终将这些活动通知父母。




The following activities will always require the child to provide a parent’s email address, (i) the ability to receive push notifications, and/or (ii) geolocation information. Once we have such email we shall contact the parent or guardian for permission in regard to the two foregoing activities.


There may be certain instances where, of necessity, we may have to share or disclose Personal Information regarding your child and you acknowledge that in such instances we have the right to do so:

  1. Pursuant to a court order, subpoena, a request from law enforcement or governmental agency,
  2. If in our opinion the disclosure would prevent a criminal act or assist in the public welfare or relate to the safety of a child
  3. 使我们的服务提供商能够为我们提供业务或支持服务。
  4. 确保孩子的福利和安全,例如预防犯罪
  5. 使我们免于潜在的责任

