

Our brain breaks webinar will cover:

We outline easy and fun ways to get your students to take a brain break, even for just a few minutes.

These learning activities are a fun way for the whole class to reduce stress, encourage the development of listening and language skills, problem-solving, deep breathing, self-esteem, self-regulation, personal connections and practice mindfulness.

  • Why regular brain breaks for kids are an important, evidence-based behaviour strategy.
  • 提示和挑选适合您学生的大脑休息的提示。
  • ♀️ How to use brain breaks to increase student focus, energy and many other great benefits.
  • ✅ Ways to make brain breaks routine in your classroom.
  • A guided tour of the brain break ideas on the Teach Starter website.
  • Practical advice for when and why you should use brain breaks with your kids.

Watch the Recording

Teach Starter team member and experienced teacher, Holly guides you through how a simple brain break can be a teacher’s best friend for behaviour strategy!

Whether for younger kids or older students, brain breaks, many of which incorporate physical activity, are sure to improve kids' focus and are so much fun.

Meet Our Brain Break Webinar Presenter:

7年的教学准备准备到3年级。Holly加入了2015年的Teach Starter,作为我们的第一支队伍之一,并创万博manbext手机官网下载造了一些惊人的资源和博客,并在与我们的期间一起管理我们的社交媒体。万博足球体育

Example resources for fun brain breaks

The following brain breaks were mentioned throughout the webinar.

These resources include physical brain breaks like movement games and yoga poses as well as simple brain breaks like our Mini Mystery activities.

Please note that you will need to have a current Teach Starter account to use the learning activities.

这个研讨会提供了实例of brain breaks for kids, fun brain break ideas to use in your classroom!

Benefits of Brain Breaks

Taking five minutes with your class for a brain break can improve student focus, improve mental energy at the same time add some fun to the school day. Students find brain breaks so much fun, most kids will even remind you if you forget!

Brain breaks can include physical movement such as yoga poses, jumping jacks or jump rope. Physical activity can be so beneficial after long periods of sitting, having students stand can break up their lesson and refresh focus, ready to sit and learn again. Alternatives to physical activity can include calm classroom time like playing music in the classroom, mindfulness or play.

Research suggests that taking a brain break can also improve memory retention and improve student concentration. A quick physical brain break can refocus your class, ready to learn again.