
Updated| 7 min read

April 22 is Earth Day and in 2018 the campaign theme isEnd Plastic Pollution。Teaching sustainability and increasing student knowledge of issues related to the Earth is a passion shared amongst a lot of the staff here at Teach Starter. So, it should be of no surprise that we have a great collection ofEarth Day classroom activities and resourcesthat you can use with your students!



Celebrate Earth Day - April 22 - Teach Starter

  • What type of waste is harmful to our planet?
  • 将垃圾扔进垃圾箱后,我的垃圾去了哪里?
  • 如果一块垃圾从我的手中吹出,或者我把它扔到地上,那就去哪里了?
  • 我真的需要一件新的T恤和另一个塑料玩具吗?

Learning about the life cycle of plastic is so important! Reducing plastic pollution is one thing that we can all take action on in our everyday lives through simple measures like using reusable shopping bags and limiting our consumption of single-use plastics.

You canextend your students’ understanding of plastic pollution in an engaging way通过探索过量消费塑料,例如食品包装纸,吸管,玩具甚至聚酯衣服的影响。

(Years F to 6)

简单的科学实验exploring biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials is available across three levels.


Download the supporting teaching resource for:

(Years F to 6)

While reducing our use of plastics is the best way to fight plastic pollution, setting up a classroom recycling station is another great way to encourage students to think differently about their waste.

Sometimes school cleaners only take general waste, or if they put all classroom waste into a general waste bin (even when it contains recyclable items). The recycling, soft plastics and compost signs state “Please Do Not Empty” as a reminder to your school cleaners to leave those bins for students to then dispose of properly.

  • At the end of each week测量每种废物的数量that has been generated in the classroom.
  • 保持纪录每周的废物输出。
  • Set a goal or challenge students to reduce每周都会产生一般废物,回收和软塑料废物的数量。


If there are no recycling or soft plastics bins throughout your school, ask your students to create a roster for bringing your recycling and soft plastics bins out into the eating area each day.

You could also get parents involved and create a roster for families to take the class’ soft plastics recycling to their local drop off point on a weekly rotation. Here in Australia, you can check out theRedCycle website要找到您最接近的柔软塑料下降。

(3) Rubbish Bin Sorting Activity
(Years F to 6)



You can use the food and waste illustrations included in the download, as well as encouraging students to cut up images from catalogues and junk mail.

  • 学生“垃圾排序”目录的图片图片的图片(或想要拥有!)。
  • 将此活动链接到有关可能使用多少次物品的讨论,以及它是否会被回收或最终进入垃圾填埋场。

(4) Take the ‘Straw No More’ Pledge
(Years F to 6)

有哟u heard of莫莉·斯蒂尔(Molly Steel)和她惊人的稻草不再运动?向您的学生介绍这个鼓舞人心的年轻澳大利亚人,并寻求从塑料污染中拯救大堡礁的追求。

A photo of a young girl holding plastic straws, illustrations of turtles and text that says Molly Steer and Straw No More are saving the Great Barrier Reef!

Your school can take theStraw No More Pledge on Molly’s website。It’s a great idea to get your administration team and P&C Committee on board to help make sure the pledge can be actioned at the tuckshop or canteen, as well as at other events held by your school community. We’ve made aPDFposter for the Straw No More campaign您可以在学校周围下载并发布。


Your school’s canteen may want to swap out plastic straws for biodegradable or compostable straws. If you have a school garden, consider having a straw collection bin so that the straws handed out at the tuckshop do make it into thecompost


图片显示绿色香蕉,黄色的香蕉和一个男孩在吃香蕉 - 文字旗说

In this sustainability activity, students select a food item and explore the three stages of the item’s life.

  1. Production
  2. 销售
  3. Disposal

Plotting the information they find into a “Life History of Stuff” timeline provides both teachers and students with a means to consider and discuss the sustainability issues surrounding the ‘life’ of the item.

这kind of exploration goes a long way towards encouraging children to think about their own consumption with a more global and sustainable perspective and could be extended for older students as a STEM task. Students can explore the production, packaging and disposal stages of a food items life, as well as develop and present a proposal for more sustainable design options for production, packaging or sale.

Here are sometimeline teaching resourcesto support this activity:

(6) Organise a Waste-Free Lunch Day
(Years F to 6)

Following on from the Classroom Recycling Station idea, plan a Waste-Free Lunch day for your class, or even the entire school!

Waste free means only packing items that can be composted or recycled and that won’t end up in the garbage bin. That means, no plastic wrap, no foil, no zip lock bags and no packaged foods.

- 包装免费午餐,健康儿童网站


  • buying bulk ‘packet’ foods and bringing them in a reusable container or paper bag
  • swapping packaged food items for ones without packaging, like fruit, vegetables or homemade sandwiches and muffins.

(7) Plastic Object Inspired Short Story
(Years F to 6)

Students choose a plastic found object or item to use as the inspiration for a short story. It may be something a piece of plastic pollution they’ve collected during a walk, the single-use plastic wrapper for the food product examined in the Life History of Stuff activity (see instructions above), or some other plastic item like a toy or a piece of clothing that they already own.

You may like to show your students a video about plastic pollution as a further stimulus for their writing.

  • 澳大利亚老师还可以从新闻背后的录像中播放这部出色的视频the journey of plastic从路边的一块垃圾到数以百万计的塑料漂浮在地球海洋中的一块。
  • 电影“塑料海”的预告片also provides another compelling introduction to the issue of plastic pollution.

这些打印narrative writing resources可以帮助您的学生准备写作:

(Years F to 6)


什么是没有颜色的庆祝日?打印出来Earth Day Colouring Pagefor your students to colour and create a display to bring awareness to the Earth Day cause.

(Years F to 3)

Things that make the earth happy - flip book and colouring activity

环境意识翻转书helps your students understand what is good and bad for the environment.

Students will love creating this gorgeous flip book, sorting and colouring images of everyday things intowhat will make the earth happy and what will make the earth sad

(10) Great Pacific Garbage Patch Comprehension
(Years 5 to 6)

A comprehension text called

Great Pacific Garbage Patchprovides teachers with the ultimate in contexts for exploring issues of sustainability.

It’s huge. It’s gross. And it’s real!

这downloadableGreat Pacific Garbage Patch comprehension sheet是5年级和6年英语的绝佳教学资源,与澳大利亚课程和可持续性跨课程优先级相吻合。


Sure, we put together this list for you to consider in the lead up to Earth Day 2018. However, it is so important to embed the teaching and learning of sustainability and environmental awareness into as many lessons as possible!


Remember, education leads to action. And, it’s through action that we can start to make a real difference, to reduce plastic pollution and start taking better care of this amazing planet that we call home.




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