9 Fun Outdoor Learning Activities for Kids

Photo of Alison Smith



这些活动旨在在您自己的花园或靠近家中进行。请参考冠状病毒(COVID-19)Government website for more information regarding going outside.



首先分享YouTube视频,例如孩子们了解蚂蚁. In this video, Zoologist Jess, takes a close look at an ant colony with its queen and many worker ants.


在视频结束时discuss the key pointsbefore heading outdoors for an ant hunt. Next, extend your child’s knowledge and understanding by encouraging them to complete our识别蚂蚁的外部特征工作表。

Beautiful Butterflies

Outdoor learning activities for kids help to develop intrigue and wonder about the world around them. And you probably won’t have to look too far to spot a butterfly! Butterflies are regular guests in most gardens and their life cycle is fascinating.

So get outside and go butterfly spotting. Encourage your kids to take photographs or draw what they see. Then, head to our collection ofButterflies Teaching Resources享受各种有趣的学习经历。

有关更神奇的活动的想法,请阅读Holly的博客五颜六色的毛毛虫和蝴蝶活动.哦,别忘了阅读The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Night and Day – Spot the Difference!

Next up, look up! You don’t even need a garden for this outdoor activity! The sky offers infinite opportunities for learning. Encourage your amateur astronomers to观察天空的变化.

If you fancy, take this activity a little further by using ourThe Daytime Sky -WorksheetThe Nighttime Sky – Worksheet.

这项针对儿童的户外活动与地球科学by exploring observing changes in the sky and landscape.

Shadow Art

Do your kids love making shadows with their hands and bodies? We love this genius idea to use toys to make shadows in your own back yard! This outdoor activity for kids offers a fascinating dose of science. And it’s great for developing fine motor skills too!

As your kids enjoy this activity, explain that light travels in a straight line. When an opaque object blocks its path, no light is able to pass through. And this creates shadows. Next, explore how shadows are affected by the changing position of the sun.

有关更多资源来加强万博足球体育这些概念,请前往我们的收集Sun, Earth and Moon Teaching Resources.


It’s always a good time for planting and growing. So whether you are克雷斯头一种种植者或更冒险的绿色野兽,别忘了园艺是儿童的户外活动。为什么不种一些幼苗?

As you can see this outdoor activity for kids, works well with our幼苗词汇分类活动.如果您正在寻找更多这样的活动,那么工厂教资源万博足球体育.


动手(或混凝土材料) are used widely in the classroom to developmaths skillsmaths language. And while you can use plastic counters, you can also use在自然中发现的物体such as pebbles, shells, seed pods and sticks.

For a simple activity for lower years, encourage little learners to arrange their natural objects into groups of 2. Next, encourage them to skip count in 2’s and record the multiples.

Also, don’t forget there’s plenty of opportunities to explore addition and subtraction.

For more fun,动手活动head to our collection计算教学资源万博足球体育.

Leaf Painting

The great outdoors offers unlimited opportunities for creative arts and crafts. I love the idea of painting and decorating fallen leaves.


Create a Mini Compost

For a super cool outdoor activity that teaches kids to look after the planet, build a mini compost! This activity is a great way to introduce your family to the idea of composting and it’s totally doable.

You Will Need:

  • 一个大玻璃罐
  • garden debris such as fallen leaves, grass clippings and dirt
  • 旧报纸
  • 水果和蔬菜废料
  • 1 cup of rainwater
  • 永久标记笔。

How to Make a Mini Compost

  1. 将土壤,报纸和有机食品磨碎,直到您的罐子几乎饱满。
  2. 将1杯雨水倒入罐子里,然后用盖子固定。
  3. 在盖子上制成小孔以增加氧气。
  4. Draw a fill line on the glass to show the top of the contents.
  5. 将罐子放在阳光明媚的地方,观察变化!

For堆肥海报和more head to our collection of可持续性教学资源万博足球体育.

Build with Sticks


This outdoor activity requires problem-solving and resilience!





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