
Photo of Cassie (Teach Starter)
更新| 4 min read





  • easier for our brain to maintain focus
  • helps us to integrate learning across both of our brain’s hemispheres
  • helps to enter information into our memories
  • 减少感觉不知所措或超负荷的机会。

(Amber Lamprecht,识字和语言中心)。

sensory break ideas for classrooms


Not only that but timing mini-movement breaks in a strategic way can also help to increase your students’ concentration spans.





It’s true that managing 30 kids during a physical activity in limited space, or even in a large, open space, can be hard, but it just takes practice. Soon enough you’ll figure out the best ways for you to give instructions, get their attention, and bring their focus back after a movement activity.



  • have a familiar注意抓住短语或信号
  • 计算活动“ 3、2、1,去!”
  • 算出一项活动“ 3、2、1,停止!”
  • 调用“冻结!”
  • 使用带有警报的计时器
  • 使用口哨或铃铛。

So, before deciding for them, why not give it a shot?


Ocean Movement Cards

Ocean themed movement flash cards brain break ideas

Ditch those sight words flashcards and get those bodies moving! These ocean-themed movement flashcards are such a quick and fun activity.

  1. 下载,打印和层压12种不同的运动卡。
  2. 要求学生在房间里找到自己的空间。
  3. Tell students that you are going to show them a card with an ocean animal movement for them to act out.
  4. 提醒学生仔细聆听每张卡之间“走”并“冻结”的指示。


If you have access to a suitable outdoor area, give your students 60-seconds to find as many of a certain object as they can. For example, they could find as many whole fallen leaves as possible, or round stones, or twigs that are bigger than 5cm as possible. At the end of the 60-seconds, give students just 5-10 seconds (whichever is appropriate) to return their findings to where you are.

Childs Hands Holding Leaves - movement break ideas

  • Set clear boundaries for where students can fossick.
  • 将计时器设置为60秒。
  • 用大声的口哨声或铃铛来发出通知时间的结束和快速回报的开始。
  • Use the same whistle or bell to signal that their speedy return time is up.
  • 让学生计算他们发现赢家的物体数量。或保持整个班级,并尝试再次击败它。

Brain Break Games

If you haven’t already seen these awesome大脑休息活动卡,您将要将它们添加到您的藏匿处!

Brain Break Activity Ideas Cards and Prompts for Classrooms

With heaps of fun and familiar activities, these cards can be used in a movement break “Lucky Dip” basket, on a spinner, or in any way you’d like!

Mini-Fitness and Mini-Yoga

Similar to the Brain Break Activity Cards, these健康Exercise Cards瑜伽为儿童海报是确保您永远不会用完迷你运动中断的想法的好方法。

Take a look at how Holly used these cards to create two of many awesomeGiant Dice Games!


Don’t be scared by the “D” word in this sub-heading… Drama games and activities are often very similar (if not identical) to group games that you might be familiar with already!


尽管these posts are grouped by year levels, all of the games and activities in both posts can be与任何年龄段一起玩!

drama games and activities for Year K to 3 students

儿童戏剧 - 上小学课堂的课堂活动


  1. Create your own “Wheel of Fortune” style activity spinner using chalkboard or whiteboard contact paper.
  2. 将您班级最喜欢的迷你运动和活动从上面的列表中写入每个部分。
  3. Decide on the times that you are going to take movement breaks each day and create a roster of ‘spinners’ (which student gets to spin the wheel and when).
  4. 您的学生将很乐意提醒您,何时是运动休息并旋转方向盘的时候!

So, before you go, consider your plan for tomorrow and decide on where you can incorporate at least ONE mini-movement break!


Soon enough both you and your students will reap the mental and physical benefits of this regular and purposeful daily action.


