Tips for Planning and Preparing for a Parent Information Night

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As you all head back to your classrooms for another school year, you are provided with that dreaded date for the parent information night!

This can be really daunting for even the most experienced of teachers! Give us a class full of 9-year-olds and we become the most talented Hollywood actors/actresses. But, a classroom full of ‘real’ adults and beads of sweat start to form!

Being prepared and organised shines through any nerves you may have on the night – here are some amazing tips and ideas that will have the parents applauding at the end!


There is often many things that you want to discuss with the parents at the beginning of a school year. To avoid the information night becoming a bombardment of information for the parents, I used to send a letter home on the first day of school! This letter would cover the following topics:

  • 关于老师 - 作为一个人,关于我的一些美好事实!
  • 他们的孩子的专业课程 - 图书馆,体育,音乐等
  • Important information about the Tuckshop.
  • 有关即将到来的父母信息之夜的信息,包括日期和时间。

You may like to use our可编辑会见老师的信件模板.

遇到教师信 - 可编辑的Microsoft Word文档


Make sure your displays are finished and the classroom is neat and organised.

Creating some displays with the students in the first few days is also a really nice idea. It not only helps you to get to know your students better, but provides the parents with something to look at when they arrive, rather than watching you twiddle your thumbs at the front of the class as you wait for the night to begin!


  • 有你的学生写一封信to their parents about three things they love about their classroom! Provide this letter to the parents as they walk in and allow them to walk around and find the things their child likes about the classroom.
  • Create a self-portrait display呢像下面的那个 - 父母尝试选择哪个自画像是他们的孩子!



Use a PowerPoint




What do Parents Want to Know at Class Information Nights?

Routines and procedures



Discuss how behaviour is managed at the school and in particular your classroom. Talk the parents through your behaviour management system, how you manage unfavourable behaviour and how you reward good behaviour.

Curriculum and Teaching Units

Briefly, go over the curriculum and teaching units that their children will be doing throughout the year. You may like to discuss any excursions and incursions that are occurring and how they are linked to the curriculum in this section of the PowerPoint.



This is where you can explain how much time is spent on homework in your year level and what the content will be like. I would discuss sight words and home readers as a must for the early years.

向父母解释你明白occasionally life gets busy and homework may not get completed. Emphasise the point that if this happens, leave the homework sheet, but listen to your child read! I never expected the homework sheet to be completed but I made reading vital!

This video we created would be a great addition for parents to watch during a parent information night:

Tip: To embed a video into your PowerPoint, there are two options – take a screenshot of the video and hyperlink the image to the YouTube clip. Alternitvely, within PowerPoint, go to Insert, Video, Online Video, then copy the YouTube link and the embedded link as well.





My classroom always ran so smoothly when I had parent helpers – the more the better I used to say. I used to use this night to talk about what parents were able to help with in the classroom and do a call out for volunteers.


Communication is Key!

Provide parents with the best way to get in contact with you! I used to provide my email address and say that they could contact me at any time on that email. I checked it in the morning before class and at the end of the day. That way they knew if they sent it at 12pm – I wouldn’t get to it till 4pm! If it was an emergency they were advised to contact the school by phone!

Encourage communication! I discussed how I would send home weekly newsletters each Friday to talk about what had happened during the week and important information for the week ahead.

Editable and Downloadable PowerPoint Templates to Use

Make your presentation really pop and impress your parents by using some of these beautifully designedPowerPoint templates.您可能想添加学校的徽标以及其他您和学校理由的照片。


I love this idea! Rather than a boring black and white booklet that, let’s face it, parents are most likely going to chuck in the bin. Create this visually appealingflipbook背面有磁条!父母更有可能将其带回家并将其粘在冰箱上以备将来参考。

Download our可编辑的家长手册翻盖模板and put any information you feel relavant to your school and classroom. I then printed each page on coloured paper to make it look super pretty!




我使用我们的许多人创建了这个简单的时间表editable page border templates.

Tell us Your Tips and Tricks

There are always so many fantastic ideas and tips out there from others – so let’s share! If you have a fantastic idea to add – flick us a comment in this blog…


