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You may have a giggle when you see those teaching memes shared on social media about germs. But, the reality is, the number of germs that get shared on a daily basis within your classroom is scary! I think it is sometimes easier to just turn a blind eye and hope that the germs stay at bay.

However, by discussing and talking about how easily germs can transfer and what children can do to stop their germs from spreading is a much better solution. / ShotPrime Studio

Easier said than done right? Especially with younger children. First of all, the germs on their hands are invisible so you need to try to explain how invisible particles transfer! Well, there’s no need to stress, we have pulled together a range of good hygiene activities, posters and videos to help explain the importance of personal hygiene with students of all ages.

卫生Activities for the Classroom



Teach your students about the importance of handwashing and good hand hygiene with this fun glittery germy hands activity! If you aren’t afraid of a bit of glitter around the classroom, then this is the activity for you!

另外,如果您想成为更多环保- 我们找到了一些bio-glitterthat you can purchase online at现代教学辅助工具




A fantastic demonstration of how germs are spread and how we need to use warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds to get all the germs (glitter) off our hands.

Clean Hands vs Dirty Hands – Bread Experiment

虽然这个实验是完全和彻底的恶心, it really does visually explain the importance of cleaning your hands! Plus, all you need is three pieces of bread and three ziplock bags.

  1. 将学生围成一圈,然后绕着一块面包(最好是在播放时间之后,他们的手处于最gr骨时)。将那个切片放在一个自封袋中,并将其标记为“脏手”。
  2. 让学生很好地洗手!使用我们的Steps for Washing Hands Posterand如何洗手海报向您的学生解释这个过程。
  3. 然后,让他们将第二片面包穿过周围,然后将一块面包放入标有“干净手”的第二个自封袋。
  4. 戴上手套,将一片切成第三个自封袋,并标记面包的控制切片。
  5. 将所有三个袋子留出大约一周的每日观察。

How Germs Spread – PomPom Activity

This is such a cute way to explain the importance of covering your sneezes and coughs! After explaining how to cover your sneezes and coughs, hold some mini pompoms in your hands and pretend to sneeze into your hands and blow the pompoms all over the class. The kids will find this hysterical! Then, get the students into pairs and get them to do the same thing.

Leave the pompoms all over the classroom and talk about how germs spread easily if you don’t cover your sneezes and coughs!

卫生海报for the Classroom

从视觉上提醒您的学生如何停止细菌的传播是鼓励个人卫生的另一种绝妙方法。我们创建了这个pack of posters perfect今天在您的教室里展示。







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