Common Teacher Interview Questions — What You'll Be Asked + What You Should Ask

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更新| 5 min read

Once you have completed your education degree, the excitement of being a fully-fledged teacher is sometimes a mix of emotions! Before you know it, the time has come to find your first teaching contract, a permanent position or anything you can get your hands on. So how do you find a teaching job? And once you’ve landed an interview, what sort of teacher interview questions will you be asked — and just as importantly, what questions should you ask?

The teachers on the Teach Starter team have been through our fair share of teaching job interviews — both as teachers and on the interview panels to hire new teachers. We’ve put together this guide to help you secure your first teaching position!




  1. 搜索for teaching jobs on your state government’s webpage.If you are hoping to teach in the state system, going directly to the source is often the easiest way to see the jobs that are open, and you can often apply directly online.
  2. 停在学校.有在你的附近有一所学校吗an open position? Drop into the office, and hand your resume and cover letter to someone in person. You may be asked to apply online, but showing your face can make a real impact.
  3. 探索老师Facebook小组。通常,老师会以这些小组的身份在他们的学校分享公开职位,您将有机会问他们为什么喜欢在那里工作。
  4. 探索在TES开放角色.招聘服务使您可以探索澳大利亚各地学校的空缺,通过主题进行过滤,并选择最想教的州或地区。








  • 您为什么决定成为一名老师?
  • What is your teaching philosophy?
  • 您如何在课堂上融合技术?
  • 你如何形容你的与父母的沟通方式
  • 您将如何与不情愿的学生互动?
  • How do you differentiate in the classroom?
  • 您为什么申请我们的学校/地区?
  • 告诉我成功behaviour managementstrategy you used during your practicum.
  • What could you bring to this school that is unique?
  • What would your classroom look like, what is your preferred layout?
  • 成功的课程对您来说是什么样的?
  • 在您的实习期间,您是如何将学生归为(识字)的,而这样做的好处是什么?
  • 您如何衡量学生学习?

万博manbext手机官网下载教学老师提示:It’s best to have concrete examples for your interviewer whenever possible. For example, bring along呼叫和响应短语卡that you will use as part of your classroom management, or show off the课堂通讯您将用来保持良好的父母沟通。


采访小组问您问题后,请准备好自己的一些。这不是一个窍门 - 您有机会了解有关学校的更多信息,以帮助您确定这是否适合您,而他们正在对您做出相同的决定。这也是一个机会,向您的面试官展示您已经进行了研究并准备了深思熟虑的问题。以下是要考虑添加到您的列表中的几个问题:

  • 我今天说的话会让您停下来雇用我吗?
  • 领导力如何支持和赋予课堂老师权力?
  • 哪种类型的老师在您的学校里壮成长?
  • 您认为学校的最大优势是什么?
  • 在一年的时间里,您如何知道您选择了学校的最佳候选人?那是什么样的?
  • 在五年的时间里,您在哪里看到您的学校和社区?您学校的AIP目标是什么?

If you’re chatting to one person, rather than a panel, you may want to ask them what made them want to work at the school and what they think an incoming teacher needs to know most. You’ll also want to prepare some questions that are more specific to the school itself to show you’ve done your homework!

Looking for resources you can showcase during your teacher interview? We have a完整的图书馆探索- 所有由资深老师创建的!


  • 布兰妮·斯特凡(Brittney Stefan)


    • 保罗(教学开万博manbext手机官网下载始者)

      Hi Brittney, Thank you for your comment! So we can keep all of our suggestions and requests together, can you please submit a change request to this resource using the Changes & Updates tab above? This tab can be found near the comments section. Thanks again!

  • 梅利莎·克雷斯韦尔(Melissa Creswell)

    I absolutely love the new teacher resume template and also all the information you have provided. You have made my life that little bit easier for when I graduate later in the year. I have my GRP interview in 3 weeks so this came at the perfect time.

    • Holly (Teach Starter)


  • 杰西·布朗


    • Holly (Teach Starter)


  • 伊丽莎白·布里斯克(Elizabeth Briske)


    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hi Elizabeth, thanks so much for your lovely feedback. It's nice to hear that you have found this blog helpful.


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