Classroom printables, activities & worksheets


使用这些设计精美的铅笔为主题资源主题主题您的教室。万博足球体育您可能希望主题您的教室来增加一些充满活力和个性。该集合为您提供了将铅笔主题在课堂中实现的所有资源。万博足球体育A large number of the resources in this classroom theme pack can be customised using our Studio function or a Word version has been provided. Some of the visually appealing, as well as functional resources you will find in the pack include a birthday chart, welcome sign for your door, star student badges, name tags, bunting, certificates, tray labels, desk plates, weekly charts and so much more.

28为那些“ aha”时万博足球体育刻的教学资源