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How to Manage Tattling in the Classroom

Photo of Holly (Teach Starter)
更新| 3 min read

“He wouldn’t share the monkey bars!”

“She pushed in front of me!”

“Joe said he doesn’t want to be my friend anymore!”




一种sk any primary school teacher, and they will say that tattling can be a time consuming, distracting and difficult issue in their classroom. Difficult because you don’t want to discourage students from voicing their apprehensions, however, they also need to learn certain problem solving social skills.

This is a massive and ongoing learning curve for their little minds to grasp. Being able to distinguish between an issue that must be reported straight away and issues that can wait until the teacher has some time to spend discussing how to solve the issue. On the other hand, students also need to be provided with a bank of strategies for solving certain issues by themselves.

一种Bad Case of Tattle Tongue

I absolutely loved reading ‘A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue’ written byJulia Cook给我的学生。他们更喜欢它!


一种Bad Case of Tattle Tongue



Our解决方案圈 - 人格行为策略包is the perfect way to discuss different strategies to use when problem solving in the playground or classroom.



通常,学生会来找您告诉您另一个学生所做的事情。然后,作为老师,您可能会问他们 - “这是报告还是杂话?”他们可能会说这是一个杂耍,并继续告诉您所有有关的事情。如果这些学生无法表达自己的关注,他们将努力专注于手头的任务。他们需要把它从胸口拿下来。一种塔特怪物是解决这个问题的完美解决方案!


Tattle Monster

Four Simple Questions

一种clear, easy to read poster that can be displayed in your classroom. Even have it visible in a variety of areas: classroom door, whiteboard and a laminated copy handy during breaks. Have students ask themselves these questions before they report any issues to you.



Role playing is one of the most beneficial ways to help children understand when an issue is a reporting issue or a tattling issue. Come up with a list of different reporting scenarios and tattling scenarios. In pairs, students need to act out a scenario and then decide what they would do. As a class have a discussion about each scenario.

Tattle Time with Timmy the Turtle




使用我们的纹身与报告工作表to consolidate students knowledge of tattling vs reporting in the classroom or playground. A great individual or whole class activity. You could even use these scenarios for role playing.


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