
Jeanne Sager照片
更新| 3 min read

If your school is offering (or mandating) remote learning and you’re teaching online, engaging your students is top of mind. There’s definitely some good news to be had here. The pandemic may have turned the education upside down, but it did provide a chance for researchers to really dig into what makes for a successful remote learning classroom.


How to Engage Students in Remote Learning

Check on Student Access

It’s probably not surprising that students with high-speed internet access and ample access to devices have shownhigher engagement in remote learning在大流行期间。虽然有些地区有人在员工测量家庭,了解他们需要帮助他们的孩子在线,但很多。向父母或甚至给您的学生发送快速调查(取决于您教授的年级级别)可以是一个简单的评估谁需要与您的地区部门进行挂钩以获得AT-Home Chromebook等。这也不一定是昂贵的;任何人都有一个Google account can create a free survey

Embrace Autonomy

Teaching online can be challenging for myriad reasons, and the fact that your students don’t have all your classroom materials at their fingertips can be a big part of the struggle. Instead of fighting it, lean into it where possible — letting your students choose books to read or assignments to do based on items that are on hand at home. Studies have long shown that allowing children somedegree of choice in educationis a powerful motivator and could help keep your remote learners more engaged.

Keep Your School Social Worker in the Loop

自从大流行早期以来,父母曾说过他们的儿童心理健康has been hit hard by the upheaval, and the American Academy of Pediatrics has gone so far as to call it anational emergency。教师只能对那种潮流做出这么多,但它携带提到的研究表明,我们对课堂外面发生的情绪关注的学生们倾向于more engaged learners


Get more ideas for帮助学生在远程学习时处理他们的心理健康

Classroom catastrophe scale


您的盘子上有很多,在古老的日子(AHEM,2020年),家长志愿者可以在帮助外面发挥重要作用。现在考虑研究表明,学生父母正在连接with other students’ parents during remote learning tended to be more engaged, and you have a recipe for how to engage students in remote learning: Turn to the parents for help. Send a survey or an email asking if there’s a parent interested in setting up a system to keep parents connected, and let them do the rest.


通过放大在线教授?提供多项选择民意调查的能力是评估您的学生是否理解课程的重要方法,以及研究表明,经常使用低赌注(AKA不是大块的成绩的大块)测验是一个好的通向改善学生认知and keep them engaged.

Animate Your Slideshows


当您在课堂上使用Google幻灯片或PowerPoints时,您的肢体语言可能足以让您的学生参与。但是,当你几乎分享幻灯片时,你的脸可能完全隐藏或限制在屏幕上的一个小盒子,幻灯片主导。研究表明了动画幻灯片can keep kids more engaged, and this can go a long way in remote learning especially.



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