Teach Starter HQ的播万博manbext手机官网下载客新闻(2019年6月)

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真正的老师谈话 - 每个星期日发布

Kirby Short老师Bronwyn Brady主持人的热爱教学播客

柯比·肖特(Kirby Short)的壮观双重生活

柯比·肖特(Kirby Short)专业板球运动员和高中副校长,过着壮观的双重生活。听柯比(Kirby)是一位经验丰富的HPE老师,她在维持精英运动员的职业生涯的同时已经过渡到行政管理,谈论达到平衡。柯比(Kirby)是Big Bash League Brisbane Heat的队长,也是MacGregor State High School的副校长。她和我聊了作为老师生活中“其他”的重要性(whether that be a family or another passion), and the way her supporting, sporting family shaped her as an athlete and as an educator.

In the second episode with Kirby we chat all about cricket,,,,girls and sport and the power of engaging with students on a basic human level. Listen to Kirby talk about the benefits of physical activity for every child in school-based sport.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Teaching in the UK

Listen in to my chat with Shaun, a teacher in an all-boys college in Brisbane, who is passionate about the performing arts,teaching overseas并在早期鼓舞学生。在这一集中,肖恩分享对于想在英国教书的任何人的实用和适用技巧。他的分享会让您感到惊讶。对于任何希望旅行的老师来说,必须列出一集!

嗡嗡声- 每个星期一发布

在Teach S万博manbext手机官网下载tarter,我们喜欢激励,支持和建立老师。嗡嗡声就像与您的几个老师伴侣的友好聊天,介绍了有趣,尴尬,棘手和意外的时刻教学给我们所有人。如果您需要一个笑声来开始您的一周,请与吉尔(Teach Starter的联合创始人)一起谈论老师对老师的所有思想。万博manbext手机官网下载

这个月我们涵盖了所有内容以我们没有想到的方式与学生建立联系, 至changing things up with outside lessons。我们关于成绩单的聊天,,,,with atrip down memory lane to Jill’s days as a student,,,,and talked about ways that万博manbext手机官网下载教学入门者使老师的报告更容易

星期五和D先生– Released Every Friday

乔(D先生)Dombrowski是一位充满热情的教育家,具有古怪的幽默感。他曾在艾伦·德杰尼斯(Ellen DeGeneres)的表演中亮相,并宣布了她的“最爱”之一。找出为什么世界上最大的喜剧演员之一无法获得足够的能力。D先生是诚实的,前期的,有点粗鲁,并向我们展示了所有教学都很有趣。

这是一个狂野的月份,乔告诉逃脱蛇的故事,,,,约会灾难andthe very unreliable substitute teacher

Coming Up on为了教学的热爱

There’s so much in store for our amazing listeners. Coming up on the show soon:

老师的好朋友 - 拥有老师的好处有很多好处。从日常的鼓励和支持到实践帮助,例如分担工作量和责任,与良好的伴侣进行教学可以为您的职业增添另一层的满足感。自称为“工作妻子”吉尔(Jill)和艾琳(Erin)谈论他们的时间一起教学。

Still Got It – Cath Williams is an incredible teacher who has committed her entire working life to the profession. Cath’s seen many theories and practices come and go (and some come back again), and she’s taught with passion, enthusiasm, and fun for thirty years. Cath chats with me about digital technologies in the classroom and how the web has connected herself and her students with peers around the globe.

Do you know an inspiring everyday teacher who we should feature on the podcast?




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