How to Handle Teacher Burnout: What the Experts Say



那里有一些令人震惊的老师倦怠统计数据 - 包括教育在前五名中的事实行业倦怠率。这是为什么我们拜访了丹娜·托马斯(Danna Thomas)快乐的老师革命与我们自己的教学入门播客主持人布朗·布雷迪万博manbext手机官网下载(Bron Brady)聊天。托马斯(Thomas)是前巴尔的摩市公立学校的老师,现在为全世界的教师举办心理健康和健康支持小组。她与约翰·霍普金斯(Johns Hopkins)社会创新实验室合作,创建了一个系统,该系统支持在课堂上挣扎的老师。也加入我们的是老师安吉拉·沃森(Angela Watson)何st of the Truth for Teachers podcast其工作的重点是帮助教师“负责他们的时间和精力,以防止倦怠”。


We’re not just talking about lighting a few candles and saying some affirmations here (although they are both great if they work for you!). We mean truly finding that passion for teaching again in the midst of all the turmoil and reigniting the passion. Here are some of our favorite tips from Thomas and Watson.



您已经听说过这句话 - 康复的第一步是知道自己有问题 - 但是如何判断自己是否真的被烧毁了?对于某些人来说,这似乎很明显,但是请记住,我们都是不同的人,而且倦怠也不同。托马斯所说的“情感体重”通常是疲劳或正如她所说,一种感觉:“无论您可以得到多少睡眠……这仍然是一天结束时的精神,身体,情感疲惫的感觉。”

For some teachers, it can go even further.

Burnout was officially added回到2019年,世界卫生组织的疾病分类或ICD-11。

  • 能量消耗或精疲力尽的感觉;
  • increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; and
  • 减少专业功效

如果您在任何,某些或所有迹象上都检查了是,您可能想与您的初级保健医生交谈。您可能还想检查您的感受Teacher Burnout Scale(需要PDF下载,但免费)或打印我们的free Teacher Mental Health Checklist

Loving Your Students


But as Watson reminds us, well, sometimes teaching some kids is hard.


Easier said than done?

Watson’s tip may come in handy when you’re just tearing your hair out over one or a few students:

Focus on the individual child.

当您如此专注于学生需要的东西时 - 让他们在课堂上停止讲话,以使他们通过测试,以证明他们的进步 - 小孩子会迷路。


As for how it can help you with that teacher burnout, Watson says really seeing the child can help remind you why you got into teaching in the first place.



One of the signs of burnout can be compassion fatigue, Thomas says. In fact, there are studies that show感到倦怠程度更高的老师较低的工作满意度,更有可能暂停,参考和对学生,尤其是有色人种和男孩的学生进行纪律处分。

But there isn’t just a loss of compassion for students that comes with burnout, Thomas warns. There’s also a loss of compassion for yourself.






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Take Control Where You Can

教育的标准化正在耗尽,被告知必须遵循一种特定的教学方式,这是令人沮丧的 - 无论它是否适合您的孩子。沃森说,这是您需要找到胜利的地方。

“Even with these types of restraints like, you know, you may be taught told that you have to teach a specific skill at a certain time, but you still have some flexibility,” she reminds teachers.”Do you want to bring in apps? … You want to bring in游戏, manipulatives, group activities? Do you want to have music playing in the classroom?”

You may not have ultimate control over how you teach, but where you can take control, grab it by the horns!


You may not have a whole lot of money or time for outside hobbies, but there’s something out there … even if it’s just binge-watching Netflix. Finding the “you” outside of school can help you inside the classroom too.

“When I think back to when I was in school, the teachers that had the hardest time connecting with were the ones who really just seemed kind of like they just didn’t really do very much,” Watson recalls. “The only thing they really cared about was school, and it sort of made them like hyper controlling in the classroom because their whole life revolved around work.”


“I was able to then bring those experiences into the classroom and that would reinvigorate my teaching, and that would also make it more fun for me because now I’m getting to actually show up not just as Mrs. Watson, but as Angela,” she says. “I’m getting to actually be my whole authentic self.”

Find Your People

When Thomas entered the classroom as a first-year teacher she recalls how tough it was to walk into a classroom with virtually no support system.

“I thought, Oh my gosh, nobody’s asked me if I’m OK, I’m the adult in the classroom who I feel like is on the verge of a breakdown,” she says. She wasn’t alone.


She created the Happy Teacher Revolution as an answer to that — now she trains “revolutionaries” to start their own Happy Teacher Revolution in their own districts, bringing teachers together. You can check out and even加入革命这里。

Not your speed? Talk to your current colleagues, to past colleagues, to some of your friends from grad school, or even加入Facebook老师小组。You don’t have to go it alone.

One final note


As Thomas says … “happy teachers equals happy kids.”

We can’t agree more.


并在我们与老师艾琳·卡斯蒂略(Erin Castillo)的采访中有关如何help students with their own mental health

Finally, print out our free教师福祉提醒清单- 将其发布到明显的地方,这样您就不会忘记。

How do you handle your stress in the classroom?



