teaching resource

Making Inferences Worksheet

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|3 pages|成绩:2 - 4

A worksheet to practice making inferences.

Use this resource when teaching your students how toinfer.

Students will read through a series of texts and make an inference about each one. Then, they must give supporting evidence for their answers.

Have your students complete the worksheet independently as a formative assessment to see who needs extra support, or project it on the whiteboard and complete it together as a class when teaching the skill.

Looking for a more active way to use this resource? Why not cut out each question and hang them around your classroom to make a gallery walk activity. Assign a pair of students to each question and have them rotate through the questions, answering each one on a numbered piece of paper.

An answer key is included in the download.

This resource was created by Jennifer Hall, a teacher in North Carolina and a Teach Starter Collaborator.


Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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