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万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者recently received a resource request to create some dictation passages. This stimulated some discussion in the Teach Starter office. We began to ask ourselves: How many teachers still use dictation as a teaching tool in their classrooms? How many teachers would consider dictation a waste of time, boring for the students, a ‘teacher-centred’ task? With today’s overcrowded curriculum, it is little wonder that traditional teaching strategies such as dictation are being increasingly pushed aside. This blog post will outline what dictation is, why it is considered beneficial and some ways that teachers can extend upon the traditional methods of delivering dictation.




  1. 以略微降低的速度阅读整个文本。学生听。
  2. Read the text again clearly, phrase by phrase. Students begin to write down what is being said. Provide students with a reasonable amount of time to finish one phrase before starting another.
  3. 再次阅读整个文本。让学生有时间回顾他们写的内容并检查拼写,标点符号和语法。
  4. 在董事会上显示文本,以便学生可以检查并纠正他们的写作。

Having the students compare their version of the text to the original can increase their ability to notice aspects of language with which they struggle. Some areas students may find challenging include applying common spelling rules, using correct sentence punctuation and identifying grammar conventions.

Extending on the Traditional Dictation Strategy

介绍新语言– use dictation to introduce new language to students. After the students have checked their writing, allow them to circle any words they are unsure of. Encourage them to use their dictionaries to discover the meanings of these unfamiliar words.

Note Taking——要求学生to take notes whilst listening to a text being dictated. The idea is that through the note-taking process, students will learn to identify the most important words and phrases in the passage. Extend this task by asking the students to use their notes to rewrite the text in their own words.

学生决定– allow students to dictate a text to each other in pairs. This assists in the development of speaking and pronunciation skills. It also allows the students to play a more active role in the task.

Intensive Dictation– when reading a text, ask students to write down examples of the particular language feature you wish to focus on. For example, students may be instructed to write down any verbs they hear in the passage.

Quick Dictations- 改变您选择的文本类型。使用购物清单,约会时间表,书籍和电影评论,产品描述……可能性无限!

虚构播客– pretend that the dictation text is being read out via a Podcast. As you read the text, the students call out instructions such as, ‘stop’, ‘rewind’, ‘play’, ‘pause’ – just as if they were listening to an iPod.

Dictogloss- Dictogloss是一项课堂上的命令活动,学生共同努力重建短文。

  1. 向学生阅读文字。学生只听;他们不写任何东西。
  2. 完成后,请学生写下尽可能多的文章。
  3. Reread the text. When you have finished, allow the students to write down any additional information that they forgot the last time.
  4. 将学生成对。允许他们比较笔记,并尝试完整地重新创建段落。
  5. Reread the text to the students one more time (again, students just listen). Give them some time to add to their final version.

Running Dictation- 学生成对工作以重新创建文本。

  1. Print out a copy of a text and display it at the front of the classroom.
  2. 学生成对工作。一个人是作家,另一个是“跑步者”。
  3. 跑步者跑到教室的前部,并试图记住第一句话。然后,他们返回伴侣并报告他们阅读的内容。
  4. This continues until the text is complete. If a student forgets their train of thought, they can run back to the text.
  5. 最后,在板上显示通道(足以让所有人阅读)。然后,学生检查他们的工作。





Dictation Passages PowerPoint - Year 2

A 22 slide editable PowerPoint Template which can be used for a range of dictation activities.

万博manbext手机官网下载教学启动器出版 2pages 年:2


Dictation Passages PowerPoint - Year 3

A 22 slide editable PowerPoint Template which can be used for a range of dictation activities.

万博manbext手机官网下载教学启动器出版 2pages 年:3


Dictation Passages PowerPoint - Year 4

A 22 slide editable PowerPoint Template which can be used for a range of dictation activities.

万博manbext手机官网下载教学启动器出版 2pages 年:4


Dictation Passages PowerPoint - Year 6

A 22 slide editable PowerPoint Template which can be used for a range of dictation activities.

万博manbext手机官网下载教学启动器出版 2pages 年:6

We would love to hear from our members about other ways you use dictation passages in your classrooms. Let us know by posting a comment on this blog.



  • 乔·安德森

    我们学校计划使用骑士——戴安娜Rigg年代pelling and dictation and has great results. It's all linked to focus phonemes, involves auditory fluency, writing fluency and spelling. Explicit, very effective and time efficient, and encourages editing and independence; and students can see their progress and track it - a good confidence builder. A good skill for later on - note taking listening skill. More please and more cloze reading for fast finishers, thanks.

    • Holly (Teach Starter)


  • Allym534

    How do teachers use the marking sheet to track progress please? Any ideas?

    • Holly (Teach Starter)


  • Kelly Cashman

    My Year 6 students love Running Dictation. They look forward to this lesson every week!

  • 乔·马什(Jo Marsh)


    • Holly (Teach Starter)


  • Fiona C

    Useful for explicit teaching especially for punctuation in sentences. I started using it with year 1's for spelling quizzes... And found a positive outcome I hadn't realised was... Children started writing better sentences of their own even using direct speech marks correctly!

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Thanks for your comment Fiona. Great to hear you had a positive outcome using dictation as a teaching strategy. So many different skills can be taught using dictation in the classroom. We hope the dictation resources we have created will also be helpful to you. Kind regards, Holly

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