
Photo of Holly (Teach Starter)
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科学活动for kids! As teachers, we always have good intentions to make science lessons exciting, engaging, and spark wonderment in our students. But in reality, the science activities for kids you see on Pinterest often require ingredients that you do not have at home. And what started off as a quick and easy idea, ends up including a trip to the shops and a whole lot of stress! This is commonly known as a Pinterest fail!

因此,为了确保您成功,我们发现了3 super easy science activitiesthat use household items and most importantly… they work!

应该指出的是 - 像这样的有趣的科学活动只是活动rather than science experiments. These activities are created to spark joy and for your students to have fun. But, they don’t actually teach the students how to conduct a real science experiment. This can be achieved by adding an extra layer to this activity and slightly modifying it to become a公平测试。进一步在博客中详细介绍如何进行每种科学活动时 - 我们将提出一种使其进行公平测试的方法。

What Is a Fair Test?

为了使实验成为一个公平的测试 - 您必须一次仅更改一个因素,同时使所有其他条件保持不变。这是一个很棒的YouTube视频,您可以向学生展示,以解释什么是公平的测试…

Turn your students into real scientists by followingThe Scientific Method呢重要的是,学生必须了解科学家在进行科学实验时会采取的步骤。

We have a greatscientific method posterwhich details each step clearly for kids.

科学方法海报的图像 - 较低等级

teaching resource

The Scientific Method Poster - Lower Grades


万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者Publishing 1page
Image of Thinking Like a Scientist PowerPoint

teaching resource


A 20 slide teaching presentation to use when introducing your students to the scientific method.

万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者Publishing 20页面 Years:1 - 3
科学实验的图像 - 蚂蚁喜欢哪些小吃?

teaching resource

科学Experiment - What Snacks Do Ants Prefer?

A science experiment which explores the food preferences of ants.

万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者Publishing 3页面 Years:F -1 有入门表

Fun Science Activities for Kids!


科学活动for kids

shutterstock.com / rawpixel.com

(1) Rainbow Bubble Snake

Create a fun colourful serpent with some simple ingredients!

All you need is:

  • 空塑料瓶
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Old sock
  • 橡皮筋
  • 食用色素
  • 一道水

科学活动 - 彩虹蛇成分

做泡泡解决方案by adding water into a shallow dish and adding a few squirts of dishwashing liquid.


用一些气泡溶液将袜子的末端弄湿,然后在末端添加几滴食用色素 - 颜色越多 - 越多的颜色越多!

最后,再浸入袜子的结尾,然后吹过瓶子的另一端 - 您的彩虹蛇会开始生长……

rainbow snake science activity for kids

The hydrogen atoms in one water molecule are attracted to the oxygen atoms in the other water molecules, making the bubbles attach to each other when they come out of the sock fabric. The bubbles are forming because of the air being blown into the soup solution. The air is getting trapped under the surface of the flexible soap skin, stretching it into a sphere shape.

Make it afair testby changing one variable, such as the material or perhaps a different sized bottle.


This is an oldie but a goodie!

All you need is:

  • Two glasses
  • Vegetable oil
  • 食用色素
  • Alka-Seltzer片

ingredients to create a lava lamp for kids

Firstly, mix half a cup of water with some drops of food colouring. You can make two different batches with different colours if you wish to make more than one lava lamp.

Then, fill a glass with vegetable oil (3/4 full). Pour some of the coloured mixture into the oil, being careful not to fill the glass too much.


science activity for kids - lava lamp

The Alka-seltzer tablets react with the water to produce carbon dioxide gas bubbles! These stick to the water droplets. The water/gas combo is less dense than the oil, so they rise to the top of the glass!

使this afair test通过更改添加的Alka-Seltzer量。一杯玻璃可以添加一台平板电脑,另一个可以有两个平板电脑,另一个可以有三片。怎么了?


Now, if they are all just all a bit too much. This science activity is for you!

All you need is:

  • 一杯水
  • Pen




When the light is passing through the glass of water, it refracts or bends. The glass of water acts as a cylindrical convex lens and produces an inverted image.

Create afair test通过更改一个变量。如果您更改玻璃的大小,会发生什么。或者如果您更改液体变量怎么办?它会改变结果吗?

而且,您可以使用它 - 3个超级简单而令人惊叹的科学活动,以吸引一些乐趣,一些奇迹或成熟的科学实验,通过合并公平的测试!

查看我们的收藏science resourcesfor more science experiments and science teaching resources.


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