teaching resource

Area and Perimeter Word Problems

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF, Word|4 pages|Years:4 - 6

A collection of 13 area and perimeter word problems with answers.

This collection of area and perimeter word problems includes real-life scenarios involving:

  • triangles
  • squares
  • rectangles
  • hexagons
  • octagons

Use in conjunction with

Image of Area And Perimeter Task Cards

teaching resource

Area And Perimeter Task Cards

A set of 10 area and perimeter task cards.

Teach Starter Publishing 11pages Years:4 - 6


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  • Zuriette Du Plessis

    The Task Cards and Word Problems will be good for extension work. Thank you.

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Yes! A great extension activity that's for sure.

  • Richard Raay

    Works well in a relief classroom as a maths relay activity. More resources like this please.

    • Stephanie (Teach Starter)

      Hi Richard, Thank you for your positive feedback. If you are keen for our team to create more resources like this one, you can request this via the following link://www.yilangbao.com/request-a-resource/Kind regards, Steph