
Four Seasons Tree Activity

PDF|2 pages|年:p -1


Four Seasons on One Tree


The template is then combined to create a three-dimensional tree which can be hung up in the classroom or displayed on a desk.


  1. 学生在每个季节的一棵树中彩色。
  2. They then cut out the tree and fold along the dotted line with the coloured part on the inside.
  3. Students glue one half of one tree to another half of another tree. Continue to glue the trees together until they have formed a standing tree.

National Simultaneous Storytime Ideas

在引线期间使用此模板National Simultaneous Storytime 2022

  • 每个学生都在创建一个树木家庭,将一棵树放在一面。他们可以在树的另一侧写下自己的名字和最喜欢的东西。
  • 使用树的四个侧面演示树的生命周期中的四个步骤。
  • Print the template on larger paper to create a small groups activity where students can collaborate and aim to re-create the tree from the story ‘Family Tree’ by Josh Pyke. Use colours to represent the tree at different points in the story.

下载&打印 - 这是孩子的戏!

Simply download the PDF template and print a copy for each student. The template consists of two pages. The first page includes the instructions for assembling the activity.



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