teaching resource

Self-Awareness Worksheet

Teach Starter Publishing
Google Slide, PDF|5 pages|成绩:4 - 6

Help your students build self-awareness by reflecting on the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in the specific scenario outlined on this worksheet.

This self-awareness worksheet was designed to build your students’sense of self通过观察行为是如何影响的ts and feelings. Using a specific cause and effect scenario, students will understand the importance of taking ownership of their thoughts and feelings, and the outcomes that result from their behavior as a response. Furthermore, students will learn to reflect on their actions, encouraging self-awareness and the ability to make better decisions for themselves in the future.

How to Use Our Self-Awareness Worksheet with Your Students

This worksheet is best used with your Self-Awareness presentation. In thisself-awareness handout, students are given a real-world scenario and asked questions that will guide them in determining the self-awareness of the character. They are then prompted to reflect on a past decision of their own and write about it.

Responses to the questions will vary, but an answer sheet is provided to help with assessment.

More Ways to Use Our Self-Awareness Worksheet

Give your students additional opportunities to connect their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with these activities for deeper reflection.

Turn & Talk

Invite students to pair up with someone in the seat nearest to them for a 5-minute Turn & Talk. Keep students engaged and on task by directing them to focus on the scenario they wrote about in question 5. Use this Turn & Talk session to encourage students to make space for each other, and develop a better sense of self-awareness by empathizing with their classmates’ experiences.

Draw It!

Challenge your students to create posters educating others about self-awareness. They can work in teams of 4 to create a poster for each of the 4 steps (Thought-Action-Feeling-Connection) and even create a slogan to go with their work.


Make reflection a weekly activity by encouraging students tokeep a journal. Using question 5 from this worksheet as a writing prompt, ask students to take the last few minutes of class on Friday to reflect on any of their actions from the week.

Change the Difficulty Level if Needed

To better help students understand the concepts, go through the scenario as guided practice. Walk your students through the questions by challenging them to think about a personal decision that called for self-awareness.

Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students

Because this download includes the answer sheet, we recommend first printing one copy of the entire file. Then, make photocopies of the blank worksheets for students to fill out on their own.

This worksheet can also be converted to an electronic format and uploaded to your digital classroom.

Before You Download

Please note this resource is available in Google Slides or as a PDF. An answer key is also included with this download.

This resource was created by Jennifer Hall, a teacher in North Carolina and a Teach Starter Collaborator.

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