Teaching Resource Pack

Captain Yet – Resource Pack

Teach Starter Publishing
Zip File|19 resources|Years:F - 6

A collection of Captain Yet resources themed around helping students to overcome their learning challenges.

The charactersCaptain Yetand Pirate Nup have an important friendship. Pirate Nup often feels helpless to the challenges of learning. Captain Yet is a fantastic friend and has a way to help Pirate Nup see that challenges will often have solutions, they just may take time. The purpose of Captain Yet is to help students use agrowth mindsetapproach to see that there are solutions to learning challenges and how to find these using an independent and resourceful strategies.

This resource pack’steaching resourcesincludegoal setting and trackingtemplates,posters, displays,worksheets,games, activities and aword wall.

These Captain Yet themed resources are great for setting your classroom values, or as a maintenance activity throughout the year to remind your students that even though you may not be able to do something yet, with hard work and the right attitude you can succeed.

Teach Starter Publishing

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