
大型手写图表 - 首都和较低的外壳

PDF|26页s|年:F - 3

Print capital and lower case letters displayed on large red and blue handwriting lines.

这个大型书法图打印出来显示it in your classroom to show your students what each letter looks like.


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  • 麦迪逊·沃伦斯(Maddison Wolens)


    • Trish(教万博manbext手机官网下载学开始者)

      Hi Maddison, please feel free to suggest a portrait version by using the changes & updates tab just above the comments section on this resource. That way, if the change gets made you will be notified straight away!

  • Elise Utz


    • 克里斯蒂安

      Hi Elise, Have you seen our other handwriting resources. Take a look here: //www.yilangbao.com/au/learning-area/literacy/writing/handwriting/ If you'd still prefer a border be made for this resource, feel free to request a resource here: //www.yilangbao.com/request-a-resource/ Requests are voted on by the Teach Starter community. We create the top request each week. Please let me know if you have any further questions, I'm more than happy to help.