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Sound Groups for Teaching Multiplication

Teach Starter Publishing
8 mins |Years:2 - 3

This educational video and accompanying worksheet is a listening activity that doubles as a vehicle for teaching early multiplication skills while honing musical skills.

Students watch the video and listen to rhythmic patterns played on various untuned percussion instruments. For each example, they identify which graphic notation sample matches what they hear. They cut and paste the correct pattern onto theirworksheet (below)and identify both the number of groups and the number of sounds in each group. This is a unique way to reinforce the ability to differentiate between groups, and items within groups.

Image of Sound Groups Worksheet

teaching resource

Sound Groups Worksheet

An engaging activity to consolidate understanding of groups, and items within groups.

Teach Starter Publishing 6pages Years:2 - 3


Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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