Australian Curriculum V8

Knowledge and Understanding

Based on the Australian Curriculum,Knowledge and Understandingin F-6/7 HASS Year 6 includes:

  • History建立理解历史上的内容的概念为学生提供了通过包括来源,连续性a ...的关键概念来发展历史理解的机会。
  • 地理建立理解地理范围内内容的概念为发展学生对位置,空间,环境,互连和变化的理解提供了机会。S ...
  • Civics and citizenship建立理解公民和公民身份的内容的概念为学生提供了对政府和民主,法律和公民的理解的机会。
  • 经济学和业务Concepts for developing understanding The content in the economics and business sub-strand develops key ideas, with a focus on developing students’ understanding of opportunity cost and why decis...

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